Sunday, August 19, 2012

Save the Date - Girl Talk (fall 2012)

The Power of a Woman's Words
Saturday September 8th from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Wellness Complex-The Church Health Center (Union Avenue-Downtown)

Where did the old saying “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me” come from?  Wouldn’t it be great if that saying was true?  The REAL TRUTH is . . . words CAN hurt people. What about you?  How are you using one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal?  Do you encourage, motivate and challenge others, or do you deceive others and tear them down?  How is your self-talk? 

The theme for the fall 2012 edition of Girl Talk is The Power of a Woman’s Words.  Our speaker, Lisa Herman, is a woman with many talents.  She could have chosen any number of paths for herself, including a career in the arts, the pursuit of continued success as a championship swimmer, a career in the medical profession or a career as an executive recruiter, just to name a few.  Instead, Lisa chose to use her talents in the full-time service of God and his people.  She has held various positions through the years including Campus Ministry Leader and Teen Ministry Leader.  She currently serves as the Women’s Ministry Leader at The Memphis Church.  Lisa’s love of words and fascination with the power of language make her a perfect fit for this topic.  She is also a woman who has the gift of using her words to motivate, challenge and inspire.     

Please join us as we explore this life-changing topic.  It will be a great time of fun, fellowship and food for the soul . . . and is absolutely FREE!!  All guests who RSVP (via email: by 12 noon on Thursday September 6th will be registered for prizes.

We look forward to seeing you there!